About Me

  Hey all

Welcome to Spriha_Journal

I am Spriha Agrawal, a minimalist Fashion and Lifestyle blogger .

 I've always wanted to be a Fashion Model but my typical conservative background had stopped me in a lot of ways. 

But, my enthusiasm for fashion never stopped and nor did I. I never stopped learning and exploring, I never stopped dreaming because 

I believe

 "You won't know you can fly, until you spread your wings wide and try hard without giving up on yourself "

I never ever in my life want to regret about not giving my best.

So, here I am, with my creative Fashion ideas, DIY tips and Lifestyle hacks.

Following my dream, experimenting with fashion everyday, sharing it with the whole world and being a role model for the ones who stopped.  Don't miss to Follow me and be a part of my journey while gaining fun filled Fashion and Lifestyle tips to try out.

I love sharing  my experiments when it turns out to be unique and useful. Every single post I create, I create with  all my love 💖

If you have scrolled till here, I assume you're interested in knowing more about me 😛
and as I say 'I owe it to my readers' 😉

Well! I am a Software Engineer, currently working in Pune. and unlike others who feel stuck in 9-5 job, I kind of enjoy it and I love my job probably because of my love for technology.

Now, I am working as a Fashion | Travel | Beauty | Lifestyle  blogger.
So, basically I am following my dream and passion and enjoying the journey of living my Dream Life.

And more than anything else I love writing.

So yeah, that's all about me. 

I hope you enjoy reading my blogs as much as I do while writing it.

Feel free to contact me via mail or DM me in Instagram  for any queries/collaborations.

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